
Let's talk lithops!

Today I'm going to introduce you to one of my favorite types of succulents: lithops.  Little butts fresh out of my mailbox  Lithops (also known as pebble plant or living stone) are a type of succulent called mesembs and are naturally found in the arid deserts of southern Africa. They require very little water; I've watered mine about once or twice in the past year. These strange little plants have earned themselves quite a reputation among the succulent hobbyist community. They're an intimidating plant. One of the most frequent comments I see regarding them is, " I finally got some lithops! I hope I can keep them alive."  Well friends, I'm going to take the mystery out of caring for lithops. In reality, they're much easier than people think. In fact, they're one of the easiest plants I have now that I know what to look for.   Potting This is the crucial foundation your success depends on. Because lithops come from such an arid

A note on featured plants

While I do everything that I can to ensure my plants get the best care, they're still indoor plants in one of the cloudiest places in the country. They aren't perfect. While I would love to put them outdoors for the summer, it rains too much and I'd run the risk of drowning them.  It's easy to find pictures of show quality plants on google, much like finding supermodels in a magazine. Think of my plants as Average Joes, a more realistic expectation. When posting a photo of a less than ideal plant, I'll explain what's "wrong" with it and how you could try to do better. I'm just working with what I've got, you know? Thankfully plants don't have to be perfect to still make you happy. So what if your black prince lost his sun stress? You still get to enjoy his company and watch him grow. My little jungle might not be picture perfect, but I don't care. I'm not either.

Welcome to Succaddiction

Hi, I'm Casey and it has been two weeks since my last plant purchase. I did try to buy one today though, so I can't exactly say I've gone straight. If you're here, I bet you like plants. Succulents in particular, right? Me too. I've got too many about 45 different succulents and have recently branched out into regular ol' houseplants. I've been collecting succulents for about three years now, and I've learned a lot along the way. I'm here to share what I've learned. Blogs have been a huge help in my quest to keep these strange little plants alive. It's time I pay it forward and do my best to help other enthusiasts.  While I'm not new to succulents, I am new to blogging. Constructive feedback is always welcome. Did I leave out something you really wanted to know? Was something I said incorrect? Do you have a succulent story to tell? Drop a comment. Let's make this corner of the internet awesome.